

多样性,包容 & 归属感, AlcoholEdu, 性侵犯预防,以及 精神健康

欢迎RWU的新同学! 罗杰威廉姆斯大学的合作伙伴 向量解决方案 whose mission is to help college students address critical life skills such as alcohol misuse prevention, 性侵犯预防, and building relationships with people different from themselves. 每年有超过50万名学生完成这些课程.

As part of our New Student 取向, Roger Williams University expects you to complete 4 在线课程:

  • 多样性,包容 & 归属感,
  • 酒类教育;
  • 性侵犯预防,以及
  • 精神健康.

这4个课程可以帮助你建立健康的身体, positive relationships and making well-informed decisions about issues that affect your college years and beyond. 

Information on the 向量解决方案 program will be sent to students via email and discussed at the June 取向 program.  The online courses will not begin until the end of July for new students starting RWU for the Fall 2024 semester.

As part of our comprehensive prevention program for new students, 你需要完成以下四(4)门课程:

  1. 多样性,包容 & 归属感
  2. AlcoholEdu
  3. 性侵犯预防
  4. 精神健康

The courses will be available for you to complete on or around the last week of July.  You will receive an email directly to your RWU email account when the courses are ready for you to complete. Included in that email will be a unique link for you to access your Vector portal. 所有四门课程必须在 8月20日. Not completing these 4 separate courses will delay your check-in process and start of your semester.

在完成第1部分的每个课程后约30-45天, 您将收到一封电子邮件,邀请您参加第2部分 (简短的跟进调查) 2024年10月11日.


  • 您将需要互联网接入和音频功能. The courses can be completed on a laptop, tablet or smartphone.
  • Courses are best 支持ed by the latest versions of Chrome (preferred), 火狐, and Safari.
  • 你可以分几次上这门课. Please take your time learning from engaging with these research-based courses. Do not log out until you hit the next button or you will have to repeat the section.
  • The courses may include surveys to help personalize your experience and measure students’ attitudes and behaviors. All survey responses are confidential; the school will only receive information about the student body as a whole and will never see individual students’ answers.
  • Each course takes about 45 minutes-hour to complete so make sure you take them well before the start of the fall semester.

为您的RWU电子邮件登录提供进一步帮助, contact RWU Information Technology/MediaTech: 401-254-6363 or mediatech@psozxd.com.

Should you experience problems within the course,please contact Vector at support.education@vectorsolutions.com.

Thank you for your participation in these important educational and prevention efforts and welcome to RWU!

罗杰威廉姆斯大学的合作伙伴 向量解决方案 whose mission is to help college students address critical life skills such as alcohol misuse prevention, 性侵犯预防, and building relationships with people different from themselves. 每年有超过50万名学生完成这些课程.

As part of our comprehensive prevention program for new students, Roger Williams University 希望所有的新生都能完成多样性课程, 包容与归属感, 酒类教育; 性侵犯预防,以及 精神健康 courses. These four online courses will empower students to make well-informed decisions about issues that affect the college years and beyond.

Completing the courses is required and students will not be permitted to start their semester without completing each.

和你的学生谈论饮酒是很重要的, sexual assault and diversity awareness before they come to campus. 这里有一些资源可以帮助你开始对话.


  • 您将需要互联网接入和音频功能. The courses can be completed on a laptop, tablet or smartphone.
  • Courses are best 支持ed by the latest versions of Chrome (preferred), 火狐, Safari, 或Microsoft Edge.
  • 你可以分几次上这门课. Please take your time learning from engaging with these research-backed courses. Do not log out until you hit the next button or you will have to repeat the section.
  • The courses may include surveys to help personalize your experience and measure students’ attitudes and behaviors. All survey responses are confidential; the school will only receive information about the student body as a whole and will never see individual students’ answers.
  • Each course takes about 45 minutes-hour to complete so make sure you take them well before the start of the fall semester.

Thank you for your participation in these important educational and prevention efforts.


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